We all need community. A place to belong. Friends who will care for us, challenge us, and encourage us. Other Christ-followers with whom we can worship God, serve His church, and pursue His mission. In other words, a faith family, and that’s who we are at The Church at Brook Hills. We’re completely committed to helping one another love Jesus, grow in Jesus, and make disciples of Jesus. We have many ministries working together to make this happen as we strive to both care for our members well and share the gospel of Christ with all who need to hear, whether in Birmingham or around the world. Come and go with us.

Worship With Us

Worship Gatherings

On-Campus: 9:00am & 10:35am
Online: 10:35am
3145 Brook Highland Parkway,
Birmingham AL, 35242
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Find a Small Group

Small Groups are where life happens at Brook Hills. It's where we really get to know people and invest in one another's lives. It's where we connect with other believers for Bible study, prayer, and friendship.

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This Week

Every week, you can find the sermon video, message notes, prayer guides, worship setlist, and other resources from this Sunday's worship gatherings at the link below.

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Focus Studies

Focus Studies are short-term classes or support groups that take a closer look at God’s Word as it relates to a specific book of the Bible or topic to help us grow in Jesus.

Latest Message

True Ministry

By Matt Mason